Die Dr Beyers Naude plaaslike munisipaliteit bied u die geleentheid om u rekening per epos te ontvang asook u rekeningbalans via sms.
Stuur ‘n epos aan meyerh@bnlm.gov.za met die volgende inligting
• U rekeningnommer
• E-posadres
• Selfoonnommer
The Dr Beyers Naude Local Municipality offers you the opportunity to receive your account via email as well as your account balance via sms.
Send an email to meyerh@bnlm.gov.za with the following information:
• Your account number
• Email address
• Cell phone number
A safe, sustainable environment for all to live and strive in.
To be proactive and deliver with excellence.
The municipality will honour its Vision and Mission by adhering to a stringent value system:
Strive for innovative Service Excellence,
Maintain a high level of Work Pride and Ethics,
Always put the client first and diligently apply the Batho Pele Principles, and
Work together as a Team, respectful of each other, in unity and harmony.

- Our Profile -
Dr Beyers Naudé Local Municipality, the third largest Local Municipality in the country, is well-positioned as a portal to the mystical Karoo, in a region renowned for its pristine natural environment, rich heritage, diverse peoples and cultures. The vast area (28,690 km² in extent) includes the towns of Graaff-Reinet, Willowmore, Aberdeen, Jansenville, Steytlerville, Nieu-Bethesda, Klipplaat and Rietbron; plus a number of smaller settlements and surrounding farms.

- Our Tourism -
Surrounded by the Camdeboo National Park, Graaff-Reinet, the heart of the “Great Karoo” – Place of Thirst – is a boundless and mysterious area covered by vast sheep and game farms, where broad plains roll away to distant koppies and multilayered mountains that seem to touch the indigo sky. Listen to the silence, breathe in the aged earth and the Karoo bossies (which conjure up the taste of Karoo lamb!), and gaze at a startlingly clear horizon that seems drawn at the other end of the earth.

- Our Council -
In accordance with the Municipal Structures Act 117/1998, Dr Beyers Naudé LM has been classified as a Category B Municipality; a collective executive system combined with a Ward participatory system. A collective executive system limits the exercise of executive authority to the Municipal Council itself and a Ward participatory system allows for matters of local concern to be dealt with by Ward Committees.